Risk factors for physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect often (but not always) include:
poorly-developed parenting skills
parental substance abuse
domestic or family violence
parental criminal activity
parental mental illness
financial stress
single parenthood
low parental age
child’s difficult temperament
parent’s own abuse and/or neglect as a child
Risk factors for sexual abuse, which is nearly always inflicted by someone known to the child, often (but not always) include:
marital conflict
low parental attachment/overprotective parenting
parental substance abuse
parental absence
presence of a stepfather (Ronan, Canoy & Burke, 2009; Putnam, 2003)
Parents living in circumstances where there is domestic or family violence or intimate partner violence, or who experience mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse, or other contextual stressors with fewer social support mechanisms, are more likely to abuse or neglect their children.
Which of the ‘systems’ around the child do you think have the most influence in your country/region?
Why do you think so?
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