Mighty Kids Mintal
MK Mintal Main Reception Counter
We are conveniently located at 2nd Flr, AP Building, Corner Rose and Espanola Streets, Mintal Proper, Tugbok District, Davao City.
MK Mintal is our 5th branch in Davao City and our 8th branch in the region.
At about 100 square meters, MK Mintal is our largest branch in the city and is comparably spacious! It houses our main facilities, to include:
Our main reception,
A Play Gym,
Three (3) classrooms, with sink and toilet,
A faculty pantry, with sink and toilet, and
Living spaces for waiting parents.
MK Mintal is fully airconditioned and equipped with centralized and high resolution close circuit security system CCTVs to monitor the premises, as well as equipped with a smart technology echo-dot system.

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MK Centers will allow your child to appeal to multiple learning styles, particularly visual and kinesthetic learners. Instead of simply being given information, our little ones will have access to hands-on activities that allow them to learn by doing. Visit our MK Mintal Branch, TODAY!