Mighty Kids ℮Learning Program
E-learning has noticeably transformed the teaching and learning process in classrooms and play learning centers. As the use of technology grows day by day, new modes of teaching and learning have entered the world of education. The trend taking the spotlight currently is ℮learning!
Without a doubt, online learning benefits parents, teachers and most importantly the children! In fact, it is now being considered the future of education. While it enhances children’s learning experience in a classroom setting, it now also allows teachers to find an unlimited supply of resources. Promoting and implementing ℮learning in early childhood education is very crucial to shaping children’s educational prospects, positively!
Our MK ℮Learning program includes:
Power Shots (1.5 - 2.6 yrs old)
Mighty Kids 1 (2.7 - 3.4 yrs old)
Mighty Kids 2 (3.5 - 4.5 yrs old)
Enrichment and Tutorials (Grades 1-6)
Japanese Language Program (6 - 10 yrs old)