Mighty Kids Power Gym is the first annex of MKPLC.
It currently houses our sub-reception area, two classrooms, and our colorful rubber power gym which features a built-in children's slide deck, a mini climbing rock wall, and a monkey bar deck, among others, all extensively resourced to advance your child’s motor development.
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Other Benefits of a Power Gym!
Playing games with integrity and with dignity.
Self Confidence
As the child develops through the program and masters particular skills in gymnastics such as forward rolls or even their listening skills, they feel good about their self accomplishments.
Social Skills
They have a weekly opportunity to learn and exercise social skills by interacting with the trainer and other children.
They learn respect and manners as well as how to use their words to achieve a particular outcome.
We set the right attitude towards fitness – it is never too early to keep your body fit even for a child.
A vital skill in many aspects of sports
Overcoming Fears
Fear is challenged and erased in a fun environment, and the child learns to take risks in a safe and nurturing environment. An example is a fear of heights especially when they do rock climbing in our program. They derive a sense of accomplishment scaling a wall – the fear is gone and they have fun at the same time.
Introduction to structure and learning to follow the rules.
Performing In Front Of People
Get your child off to an early start not being embarrassed to do things in public. This is a valuable skill they can take into adulthood as they seize opportunities in life not holding back due to shyness.
The learn how to coordinate their body movements better.
Physical Strength Development
Over time the child will develop physical strength avoiding injuries in physical activities.
We strongly believe that we are laying the foundations in developing happier, healthier and more confident young, Mighty Kids. Together, we
Visit our MK Power Gym Center, TODAY!
Develop Excellence!