E-learning has noticeably transformed the teaching and learning process in classrooms and play learning centers. As the use of technology grows day by day, new modes of teaching and learning have entered the world of education. The trend taking the spotlight currently is e-learning!
Without a doubt, online learning benefits parents, teachers and most importantly the children! In fact, it is now being considered the future of education. While it enhances children’s learning experience in a classroom setting, it now also allows teachers to find an unlimited supply of resources. Promoting and implementing e-learning in early childhood education is very crucial to shaping children’s educational prospects, positively!
Welcome to our MK ℮Learning Program!
MKPLC is consistent in our teaching approach of multiple intelligence and MK ℮Learning serves as a critical learning platform for your child. This is because e-learning platforms and software help children remember information more clearly, motivate them to develop a working schedule, support them mentally when winning or losing, and foster interaction when working in groups.
Studies have shown that children learn by using their senses and MKPLC has the right phonics tools for that! It is assumed that the sense of sight (visual) and hearing (aural) are the most important senses in the learning process. Children who used their visual senses i.e. watching a video of a roaring lion or visuals of a teacher acting out a trumpeting elephant, generates a lasting and clear image of the scenario than a child who had only seen a plain picture of an animal. MK ℮Learning also has this positive impact on learning because children develop better hand-eye coordination and motor skills. These skills help them to form a clear image and improve their capabilities to solve problems.

In many ways, this method of ℮Learning is like watching television. However, with MK ℮Learning, the child will be intimately involved, giving them a say on how the storyline continues, and getting them to interact with the characters!
So, what are you waiting for? Buckle up and REGISTER NOW!