PLEASE TAKE TIME TO READ...This is for our safety and the safety of our loved ones.
1. Testers for makeup and personal care products
For the time being refrain from testing skincare products in stores. If you absolutely must try it, ask for a sample packet as most of them have such.
2. Shared utensils
Having your own set of reusable utensils on-hand is key. While most restaurants thoroughly clean their plates and utensils, it won’t hurt to up your level of hygiene by bringing your own.
Also, be extra mindful in using foodcourt and fastfood utensils.
3. Beso / Mano / Shaking Hands
We love showing affection to our family and friends by doing the ‘beso’ and the ‘mano’. Choose to minimize these niceties in the meantime.
4. Door knobs / handles / bathroom flush
One inevitable thing we touch daily are doorknobs and other handles of the sort. Immediately put alcohol-based sanitizer or make a beeline for the restroom to wash your hands.
5. Money handling
Money literally travels through thousands of people’s hands, which makes it a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. Make sure to clean your hands afterwards.
6. Shared public pens
Pack your own pen and ditch the shared one available outside. You don’t know where the previous user put their hands, or worse—if they have a virus. Just don’t do it.
7. Condiments
Dining out and reaching for the sauce bottle on the table only to realize later on that someone else’s filthy hands may have touched it too. Quickly sanitize hands, reach for a thick table napkin and use it to cover the bottle the next time you needed to get more sauce.
8. Serving spoons
If you absolutely must eat at a buffet or at a restaurant during this time of COVID-19, ask for your own serving spoon, clean your hands right after, or try eating at home for the time being to minimize contact with publicly shared items.
9. Workout equipment
Part of boosting your immune system is getting enough exercise, and this can mean going to the gym where a lot of equipment are shared. Most gyms provide sanitizing sprays, but if they don’t, bring your own little bottle in your bag and stay safe while sweating it out!
10. Touch screens / Debit card transactions / ATM Machines
Banks, fast food restaurants, and establishments that allow debit payments put you at risk for contact with publicly shared surfaces too, so before clicking or pressing on those buttons, be sure you have a plan to clean those fingers off right after before putting your hands on your face.
Stay safe, everyone!